
Derek's Premier Post (DPP)

Amanda has been kind enough to let me in on this "blogging" website. I think it's way cool. I always loved reading other classic blogs such as "My life..." by Amanda Hallsted and "Bradford & Jenessa" by Bradford and Jenessa Davis. I feel honored, excited, and hopeful as I approach the beginning of my blogging career. As for an update on right now; I am one week away from being done. Of school at Utah State University. I am rooming with Trey and Blake, my dear friends. In the near future, I will be marrying the brightest, most beautiful, most loving, most talented, most best person in the world. Her name is Amanda, the co-author/founder of the blog. I declare my love for her. Then, the rest will be history. Thanks readers! I love you!


  1. its about time you joined us Derek, i was starting to feel like I was the only boy blogging, and, to be quite honest, a little gay. Thank you Derek, for confirming my masculinity


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