
A this and that post

I have a few things on my mind...
First is how happy I am to finally have my jewelry available and hanging.

Second thing, I don't know that I love it all that much cause now its all out there where Derek can clearly see how much jewelry I have so when I find some jewelry item I want to buy, he obviously is going to think I don't need it. But really, any guy would think more than two of each type of jewelry is too much. Am I right? And that's so not true. :)

Thirdly: my v-day flowers are alive and well. Say whaaa??? I'm so thrilled. Maybe the Magic Bullet pitcher for a week as the vase is the trick. Or maybe cause we finally have sunlight! I'm lovin it.

Fourth item to discuss is my mixed feelings of this whole experience. I'm jealous. I'm jealous Derek is doing a Masters. Sometimes I think it's not fair that I have to go work all day while he learns. I would love to do a Masters. But then I remind myself how blessed I am that he is able to do a Masters to be able to support our future family so that I can live my dream of being a Mom, and how blessed I am that I have a job to support us to get done faster. I'm having to remind myself this frequently.

5: check out this beautiful view I have to keep me company while walking home.

I hope you are all well. Truly I do. I think I speak for both Derek and I when I say that. And we appreciate your support and love so much in this crazy, exciting, scary, and eventful adventure we're on. Thank you!!!


PS...I'm sorry if you get sick of the bipolar headers. I can't stick with one. I love designing them too much. If you ever want me to make one for ya, I'd be thrilled. It's my outlet and makes me so happy.


Good things

Last night was date night. It was so needed and so lovely. We went to a family diner on the island. It was our first time! And our last...:) but you gotta try em all right? After dinner we hung our very first decoration. She's a cute one I think. She adds a lot to the kitchen.

We finished off the date with snuggling on the couch watching Remember Me. Ever seen it? It was alright. Kinda weird but had a killer twist to the end. Neither of us expected it. Am I the only person to think that Robert Pattinson is not attractive or a very good actor? Maybe all the movies he's in are weird. :p no no, I can't judge cause I only saw the first twilight. And I can't even remember what it's called.

Anywho, I think we're off to Coney Island later today! I'm excited. PS its been raining like crazy here. It's kinda fun. PPS I've been reading this book. It's a great book. It has everything from technology to makeup, recipes to confidence, packing to interior design. I love it.


Cali-forn-I-A post from the phone

We spent the long weekend in Cali with the Walkers. Boy am I blessed with great in-laws. We had a blast. We watched J-Walk play some U of U Lacrosse, made stop motion videos, went to Universal Studios, and of course, the happiest place on earth. My sweetheart pushed me around in a wheelchair the whole time at Disneyland, while rubbing my back, while kissing my head. Super husband award right there. We're back in NY and starting normal life again tomorrow.

Here are pictures from the trip. This first one is my favorite. Haha.


Amazing Giveaway!

Check out this giveaway going on at the amazing Make It And Love It!

I had just decided 2 days ago after reading about this product that I was going to start saving for this! Then I saw this giveaway! I'm thinking it was meant to be! ;) I have heard so many great things about this and my face could REALLY use it!

Check out Eponine's other products HERE

Never won a giveaway, so majorly crossing my fingers!!


A day of love

Happy Valentine's Day!
I love Valentine's Day.
Even more now that I'm married. It's so fun to celebrate our love.

Here's some love for ya...

To see more awkward "love" photos, click below. They are hilarious


Love this lil' island of ours!

We live on the most beautiful island. We love being right in the city, but not. The parks, gardens, lighthouse, kids, hearing the buzz of the city, it's all perfect. Our hearts and souls love this growing experience. It makes up for the pain our wallets feel. We wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world though. Also, I got a job. I'm so thrilled about it. And feeling so blessed. Im excited to see what it brings.

We took a lovely walk today. This is what it looked like...


Home sweet home

I've made it back to NY! It's SO good to be with Derek again. I wouldn't have made it without my mom. My mom is incredible, really. I just had a fun lunch date with Derek.

Our friend Dan was in town, so Dan, Derek, my mother, and I headed off to church. We missed our ward but made some deaf friends in the halls. There is a deaf ward at our building and I'm excited about it! I was worried I'd forget sign language more and more with time, but I'm hanging in there. I can still communicate pretty well and it still feels natural. But I feel more and more nervous to sign as time goes on. After signing in the halls for a while, we caught the sacrament at the YSA ward. It was WEIRD going to a YSA ward again. We got a lot of funny looks. Dan enjoyed scanning the ladies though. :)

After church Dan cooked us a delicious Marsala Chicken dinner. It was fantastic. Then I crashed. I could not stay awake to save my life after that red eye flight.

We had our own little super bowl party last night after Dan and my mom headed to the airport to go home. Gosh it was fun. The best part was the fact that I got to watch it with D. Second best was hearing the city yelling after the Giants won. I officially have Giant pride.

This week i'll be job hunting and finishing this book.

I have an interview tomorrow with a family that seems really nice. I think I have decided to continue nannying. Especially after having such a good time with this cutie and his sister. His mom texted this to me yesterday. I miss them like crazy! Listen close when he's whispering. It's darling.



Got this shirt a while back at a thrift store for 7 cents. Tonight, I took it in, took fabric from the turtle neck, and found a spot for it elsewhere! PS, I'm blogging from my phone and all the pics have to be at the end. I apologize. PPS, I was given the ok to go home!!!! I'm so excited. I'm staying for my lovely cousins wedding, then I am outta here! Until March at least. :)


Staying busy

Time has gone by pretty quick surprisingly! Between reading my book, making topiaries for my cousins wedding this weekend, designing cards and other things, spoiling the dog, painting nails, couponing, and spending time with family, I've really stayed quite busy! I'm so grateful for this time that I've had to learn to really appreciate Derek. After such a stressful holiday and move, things got a little crazy. This has really been so good for our relationship. I'm grateful for the time I've had to spend with my family. Activities consisting of late night chats, birthday dates, helping with homework, being a constant distraction, prepping for auditions, playing the piano while they sing along, and so much more. Most of the time I just sit on the couch and observe, listen, and enjoy. Since I was so busy through high school, and moved out so soon afterwards, I never really had a chance to bond too much with them, so I feel like I'm almost caught up after almost a month of being here. :) Im feeling much better and hoping for good news at the dr tonorrow morning! Here are some pics of happenings here at home!


Sweet reminders

I'm downstairs in my temporary bedroom, the house is silent, everyone is sleeping, and my heart is so full. With so much gratitude for those in my life, and for so many blessings.

I came across THIS blog tonight, and it touched me, and even more reminded me of my New Years Resolution. Treat everyone as if it were my last moment with them. This sweet family lost a son/brother in October, and 4 days ago they lost a husband/father. My heart is aching so much for them. I'm laying in bed with tears streaming down my face, but as much as I hurt for this family and my cousin and so many others going through this, I'm grateful for the strong reminder it is to appreciate those we love, worry less about the little things, and focus on what is most important. Prayers are going out to this sweet family.
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